Take Your Love {radio/tv sounds collage throughout, featuring religious-sexual chat} {woman: "bit of a problem.. doesn't concern me directly but it concerns my brother and sister, who in the past few months have become very very very close, know what I mean?" man: "you mean sexually, or...?" woman: "yeah, sexually."} Take your love, boil it in a pot Scrape the sides from bottom to top Wrap the rest in 'The Age' Tie it in a knot Bury it deep in the ground And forget the lot. {woman: "dear father, you've given me a bit of hope tonight, father..."} {man: "I've written on this, on a letter for my local church..."} man: "You've written a letter to your local church?} man: "Yeah, well this one has just given me..."} man: "yep, right, good" man: "So I've just.." man: "well good on you, I hope you overcome your problem, Frank, and come to terms with it" man: "Thank you."} Wait twenty years In secret hope Nothing ever grows Dangle on a rope {woman: "you've given me a bit of hope tonight, father..."} Dec 1984