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All text, logos and images displayed on this website are property of their respective owners.

"The Incredible Machine" is a Trademark (tm) and Copyright (c) Sierra On-Line, Inc. and/or Vivendi Universal Games. All Rights Reserved.

"Half-Life", "Half-Life 2" & The "Lambda" Logo are Trademarks (tm) & Copyright (c) 1995-2005 Valve Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

The Incredible Half-Life 2 Machine is NOT an official video game accredited by the holders of the marks or companies quoted above.

The images on this site and used in The Incredible Half-Life 2 Machine representing images drawn from the The Incredible Machine are subjected to the laws of Copyright by Sierra On-Line, Inc. and Vivendi Universal Games.

We are not affiliated with Sierra On-Line, Inc., Vivendi Universal Games, Valve Corporation or anyone related to the production of the games "The Incredible Machine" or "Half-Life 2".

This project strictly has no lucrative goal and we state not to receive remuneration for accomplished work or to have the intention of it. The Incredible Half-Life 2 Machine has no intention to violate the laws on the intellectual property at the expense of the anybody or to inflict wrong to anybody.

The design of The Incredible Half-Life 2 Machine is directly based on that of the game The Incredible Machine published by Sierra On-Line, Inc. in 1992. We are not the developers of origin of this game.

All the elements created by the team of development of The Incredible Half-Life 2 Machine, and which are not already protected by a copyright, are the property of the Development Team. You are not authorized to use them in an unspecified project without prior agreement, in writing, of the creators and of the leader of The Incredible Half-Life 2 Machine.

This modification supports The Incredible Machine and Vivendi Universal Games. We are not challenging this company and have no intention of harming the sales of the game. We are not creating a fully-playable Half-Life 2 version of The Incredible Machine. We are re-creating the construction of the machines found in the game, with the illusion of being fully-functional machines.

The development of this modification is a compliment to all the corporations and people involved in the creation of The Incredible Machine. The development of this modification is created by fans of the Half-Life and The Incredible Machine series of games.

This legal disclaimer has been adapted from the one found at the Stargate: The Last Stand site.

Thank you.

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